
Tuesday, 6 February 2018


My Hello to All,
                      Fresh and dry fruits are the natural staple food of man. They contain substantial quantities of essential nutrients in a rational proportion.They are excellent sources of minerals, vitamins and enzymes. They are easily digested and exercise a cleaning effect on the blood and the digestive tract.
                     Fruits have highly beneficial effect on the human system. Taking of fruits or fruit juice is the most pleasant way of hydrating the organism. However, fruits contain a very low level of sodium, they make a valuable contribution to a salt free diet. They are very useful for sick for quick energy. Fruits furnish minerals to the body. Fruits, as dependable sources of vitamins, exert a tonic effect in the body.
                  Fruits are at their best when eaten in the raw and ripe state. Fasting is considered as nature's oldest and most effective method of treating diseases. Juice fasting, the all-fruit diet is nature's finest eliminating medium. One should take three meals a day of fresh, ripe juicy fruits such apples, oranges, melon, grapefruits grapes, or any other juicy fruit in season. All berries, being extremely rich in iron and sodium are highly beneficial for blood building. A generous intake of fruits in the diet will enable a person to lead a healthy life.

GRAPES- GRAPE are one of the most valuable fruits, they are delicious, highly nutritious and most easily digestible. They are one of the Nature's precious gifts.They are of innumerable varieties differing in size, shape, colour, aroma and taste. The sizes vary from as big as plums to as small as peas. They are found in various colours such as green, black, red, and blue.
           The grape is a highly valued fruit mainly for its rich content of sugar. It supplies heat and energy to the body within a short time. The grape cure is perhaps the best of the various fruit cures proposed from time to time.
            Sugar and organic acid in the grape makes it a laxative food. It is highly valuable in relieving constipation. It tones up the stomach.
            Grapes are considered useful in asthma. Grapes are highly beneficial in the treament of heart disease. They tone up the heart and are effective in cardiac pain. The juice of ripe grapes is a very effective home remedy for migraine. Grape juice is excellent blood builder.
           Grapes have a poor keeping quality.They should, therefore, be used soon after purchase or else be preserved in cold storage.

MANGO -The mango enjoys a unique status among the fruits. It is the most popular fruit and is called 'The King of Asiatic fruits'. The mango is variable in size and shape. The mango is used as food in all stages of its development. Green mango is a rich source of pectin. The raw mango is a valuable source of vitamin C. The ripe fruit is very wholesome and nourishing.

            The mango is well known for its medicinal properties both in unripe and ripe states. Mango pickles preserved in oil and salted solution is  used throughout India. The fruit is beneficial in liver disorders. The tender leaves of the mango tree are considered useful in diabetes. The mango seeds are valuable in diarrhoea. The juice which oozes out at the time of plucking the fruit from the tree gives immediate relief to pain when applied to a scorpion bite or the sting of a bee. Water should not be drunk immediately after  eating the green mango.
            Excessive use of mangoes produce ailments like constipation, blood impurities and seasonal fever. Mango skin should be peeled before using raw mango.

ORANGE- The orange is one of the finest gifts of nature. It is the most popular wide-spread of the citrus fruits. It is very delicious and nourishing fruit. There are many varities of oranges. It is superior to almost any other fruit as a source of calcium.

The orange is a predigesed food as the starch of the orange is converted into readily assimilable sugar by the rays of the sun. The regular use of orange prevents frequent attacks of common cold, influenza and bleeding tendencies.
                Orange is an excellent food  in all types of fever when the digestive power of the body is seriously hampered.
              The orange is beneficial in the treatment of constipation. Orange juice is considered an excellent food for infants who are not fed on breast milk. Orange juice, sweetened with honey, is highly beneficial in heart diseases. The use of orange juice mixed with a pinch of salt and  a tablespoonful of honey is an effective food remedy for tuberculosis, asthma, common cold, bronchitis and other conditions of cough associated with difficult expectorations.
             The orange peel is valuable in the treatment of pimples and acne. It is said  to be more effective, if it is pounded with rain water.The orange is used in a variety of ways.It is usually taken as a dessert fruit. It is also made into squashes.

POMEGRANATE-The pomegranate is a very delicious and semi-seedy fruit.It has refreshing and soothing qualities and is more easy to digest than any other fruit.

             The pomegranate has been regarded as a food medicine of great importance.he sweet varieties of the fruit are considered a good laxative. The juice from the fresh fruit is an excellent cooling beverage. Pomegranate juice is of great value in digestive disorders. It is an apetiser, a digestive food item.
               The pomegranate is used as a table fruit. Its juice is regarded as a delicacy and is made into excellent sherbet and drunk with the addition of water and sugar. It is also used in preparing syrups, ice-creamsn, jellies and marmalades.
             The fruit should be eaten immediately after they are cut open as the seeds lose their colour quickly.

LIME- The lime is an important fruit of  citrus group. It is very popular all through the tropics and is used as a necessary adjunct in everyday meal. It is regarded as a health-building food of great value.Limes are generally mistaken for lemons. The lime is smaller in size than the lemon,with a thin smooth skin. It has sweet smell.
                  Acid limes are excellent source of free citric acid. It contains  more vitamin C than the lemon. The best way to use it is to take with water. It is often mixed with cooked pulses, gravies, soups, to make them more tasty.
                 The juice of fresh limes is being in medicine from ancient times. The vitamin C content in lime increases the body's resistance to disease, aids the healing of wounds and prevents damage to the eyes.Vitamin C is also helpful in maintaining the health of the teeth and other bones of the body. It prevents decay and loosening of the teeth.
               The rind of the fruit also has medicinal properties. Lime has been regarded as a food of exceptional therapeutic value. Lime is considered highly beneficial in the treatment of digestive disorders. The lime juice is of great value in constipation, when it is taken as first thing in the morning in a glass of warm water. Limes is valuable in swollen gumes. The fruit has been used as a remedy in gout and arthritis since long.
              The lime juice is also excellent for weight reduction. Limes should not be used in excess. Its excessive use weakens digestion and improverishes the blood.

RAISINS- The raisins are dried grapes. Raisins have high nourishing qualities. The raisins are esteemed for their rare food value. Raisins are extensively used in salads. They may be added to curries. The high food value of raisins arises chiefly from their sugar content. They are also valuable during convalescence.
            Raisins can be routinely given even to little infants as an ectract in water to help regular bowel action. Raisins enrich blood. They are thus useful in anaemia.
            Raisins are a good food for those who wish to gain weight.

ALMOND-The almond, known as the king of nuts, is highly nutritious food. It is rich in almost all the elements needed by the body. There are two varieties of almonds, the sweet and the bitter. There are thin skinned and thick-skinned among the sweet variety. Almonds are one of the best nut and seed foods. The fat in almonds is unsaturated and as such they provide one of the most beneficial kinds of fat. Paste of almonds with milk cream and fresh rose bud's paste applied daily over the face is a very effective beauty aid.

                Almonds should be throughly chewed and they should not be eaten immediately after meals. Almonds are  also beneficial in the treatment of pimples. In case of inflammatory condition of the skin, the external application of almond oil will ease the pain and cool the heat.

                An emulsion of almonds is useful in bronchial diseases, hoarseness and tickling cough. The use of almonds has proved highly beneficial in the treatment of chronic constipation. It is an excellent laxative.


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