Hi to all,
Oh!dear today only tips. But these tips will definately work for you. These tips are mind blowing. You will love these 4 liners. These are the tips, you need for a quick solutions.
1. WHENEVER you scrape 'bitter gourd', rub the scrapings all over your face and leave on for a few minutes before washing off your face will be sparkling clean. Done regularly, it will reduce blackheads and pimples significantly.
2. FOR A SORE THROAT Powder peppercorns and basil leaves and dry them in the shade. Use this powder to make black tea.
3. WANT TO GET RID of toothache? Take one teaspoon ginger juice, a little edible camphor, a little honey and a pinch of salt. Heat the mixture for a second and apply it on the aching tooth.You get relief immediately.
4. TO TEST THE PURITY of honey, pour a few drops of honey on blotting paper. If honey gets absorbed, It is adulterated, otherwise it is pure.
5. THE COCONUT OIL will not solidify, especially during winter. If you add a few drops of castor oil to it and shake well.
6. LESS OIL WILL be consumed while deep frying, if you add half a teaspoon of salt to the oil.
7. DON'T THROW AWAY lemon rinds, orange peels and pomegranate skin. Just dry them in the sun and grind to a fine powder. Mix this powder in coconut oil and apply to your hair to prevent hair loss and also to get shining hair.
8. ROAST CARDAMOM till the skin becomes crisp and slightly brown.When cool, grind to a fine powder. This powder is ready for use as and when required. Cardamom skin acts as a preservative, so the powder remains fresh for a year.
9. GRATE POTATOES straight into cold water to prevent them from darkening.
10. POUR HOT VINEGAR over soft vegetables to prepare crunchy pickles.
11. IMPROVE THE flavour of boiled cabbage by adding ginger.
12. TO SET CURD quickly in winter, pour warm milk into a casserole and mix in one teaspoon curd. Close the casserole. You will get nicely set curd in less than two hours.
13. GET MINT, coriander and fenugreek flavour round the year. Buy the herbs while in season. Clean well. Dry in shade and powder. Store in an airtight container in the fridge. Add the powder to get the desired flavour in food when fresh leaves are not available.
14. FENUGREEK SEEDS ground in milk and applied on the face everyday give a glowing complexion.
15. MIX HONEY WITH turmeric powder and apply the paste on burns.The burns will heal quickly.
16. TO GET RELIEF from an earache due to cold, take half a flake of slightly crushed garlic, wrap it firmly in a little cotton wool and place in the outer ear. The pain will be gone after sometime.
17. GET RID OF pimples real fast by applying garlic juice over them.
18. WHILE GRINDING Idli or dosa batter, add some fenugreek seeds along with the black gram lentil. Your idlis and dosas will come out softer and tastier.
19. WHEN IN A HURRY for tamarind pulp, take the required amount of tamarind, pour hot water over it and cover tightly. The pulp will be ready in two minutes.
20. THE JAR OF YOUR mixi leaks while making wet pastes,dry grind the ingredients to a powder instead. Remove and gradually mix in hot water to obtain a smooth paste.
21. DON'T THROW away the water in which rice has been cooked. Add salt to paste, pour into flat plates and dry in the sun.When dry, you get rice papads(papadum). Deep fry the papadum in hot oil. Sprinkle masala (mixture of ground spices) over them before serving.
22. HAVE YOU HEARD of dosas being prepared without black gram lentil(urad dal)? Grind a few fenugreek seeds and the bottom portion of lady fingers(which are usually discarded) along with the rice and make dosas the usual way. They will turn out very crisp.
23. FOR RELIEF FROM COUGH, wrap a flake or two of garlic (with the skin on) in a clean soft cloth. Cover the garlic and fold the cloth three times. Pound the garlic till the juice comes out. Then tie the cloth around your neck just before going to bed.
24. IN ORDER TO PREVENT the odour of burnt rice, sprinkle a handful of salt on the floor and place the burnt rice pot on the sprinkled salt till it is time for lunch or dinner. The burnt smell will be gone by then.
25. TO GET RELIEF from common cold, put some roasted grams in a muslin cloth, tie it and heat lightly on a pan. Keep the tied grams near your nose and inhale deeply. Repeat it.
26. EQUAL QUANTITY of fenugreek seeds and cumin seeds soaked in water overnight, ground to a paste in milk and applied to the scalp before washing removes dandruff and ensure thick hair.
27. IF YOU ARE lean and want to gain weight, eat a handful of roasted gram and drink a glass of hot water daily in the morning. It will work wonders.
28. TO PREPARE CAKE in a hurry, just mix all the ingredients together with a tablespoon of lemon juice and bake. Lemon juice serves as a substitute for beating the ingredients and thus saves a lot of time.
29. A FINELY CHOPPED ONION with a tablespoon of sugar and a small piece of ginger when mixed in a bowl and left overnight will form a syrup the next morning. This syrup can be used as a very effective cough mixture for children.
30. AFTER SQUEEZING out lemon juice,rub the lemon peels on to your palms and toes. The lemon has a bleaching effect.
31. WHEN TOMATOES TURN soft, soak them overnight in a bowl of water to which a little salt is added. They will become firm the next morning.
32. YELLOWISH STAINS on the teeth will disappear if lemon juice mixed with salt is used as a paste to brush the teeth.
33. IF THE RICE overcooked, don't panic. Just add some cold water and ghee to it and let it stand for a few minutes. Then strain and spread it on a big plate. As it cools and dries, the grains will separate.
34. APPLY A PASTE of ground, roasted almonds mixed with honey on mouth ulcers. They will disappear quickly.
35. BEFORE BREAKING A coconut, hit it all over with a hammer. The coconut will come out clean and easily from the shell.
36. TO GET INSTANT relief from a toothache, apply toothpaste on the affected tooth. The pain will subside in a few seconds.
37. WHILE APPLYING HEENA(mehendi) on the palm, use a disposable syringe. It will make the application much easier and less messy.
38. EAT A CARDAMOM or two especially during long journeys, to avoid feeling thirsty.
39. RUB ICE COLD orange juice on dry skin in circular motions. It gives you a glowing complexion.
40. IF YOU ARE stung by mosquitoes, bees or ants,application of toothpaste can relieve the pain and itchiness. It reduces the swelling too.
41. FOR A QUICK and effective face scrub, mix a little wheat flour with semolina and tomato juice, and scrub your face with this paste. Apply it to your face, leave for a few minutes and then wash off.
1. TRY THIS FOR instant relief from uneasiness and gas in the stomach: To one cup boiling water add a pinch of black pepper powder,a good pinch of soda bicarb, a pinch of asafoetida and salt to taste. Drink while still hot.
2. TO SHINE your silverware to a glitter, make a paste of gramflour and the juice of half a lemon. Apply it generously to the silverware. Wash off with water after a few minutes.
3. TO REMOVE scratch marks from furniture, make a paste of cigarette ash and cooking oil and rub it in well.
4. YOUR JEANS WILL NOT fade if you wash them with half a bucket of water to which four tablespoons vinegar has been added.
5. REMOVE BALL POINT pen marks from clothes instantly with nail polish remover.
6. YOUR TOOTHBRUSH will be bacteria free of you soak it in hot salt water once in a week.
7. SOILED SHIRT COLLARS will be shining white if you soak them in cold water for a while and apply sugar on the area before washing as usual.
8. KEEP TERMITES AWAY from your cupboard by fitting a 40 or 60 watt bulb inside the damp cupboard and leaving it on through the night every day for 15 days.
9. GIVE YOUR FADED black clothes that new look by soaking them in a solution of one teaspoon shikakai powder and one teaspoon reetha powder for atleast two hours.
10. IF YOUR BALL POINT pen refill does not work,just place it in warm water overnight. The next morning, you will see the refill recharged and working.
11. WHEN YOUR SHOE POLISH gets dry, add a few drops of kerosene to it. This will give the shoes an additional shine.
12. RIPE BANANA PEELS are good fertiliser for plants especially roses or potted plants. Chop two peels and plant them into the soil,10 cm away from the stem. Repeat every week.
13. TO GET RID OF oil or burn stains on vessels, add a little rangoli powder to the cleaning powder before scrubbing the vessel.
14. IF YOU ARE often constipated, eat more lady finger vegetable.
15. WHILE CLEANING copper and brass utensils, add two to three tsp.of citruc acid powder to the cleaning powder. The utensils will shine like new.
16. ADD HALF A TSP of salt to your hot bath water to relieve fatigue and bodyache.
17. ADD A TSP OF SALT to two tsp. turmeric powder and boil with a little water to obtain a thick paste. Apply while still hot over sprains.
18. TO REMOISTEN SHOE polish cake which has dried out, place the sealed tin in a shallow bath of boiling water for a few minutes, then mix a little turpentine into the polish.
19. THE ODOUR FROM the toilet can be eliminated instantly, if you light a match stick in the toilet.
20. EATING A LEAF or two of basil(tulsi) takes care of many disorders and works wonders during malaria.
21. WASH FLOOR TILES with a bucket full of water to which one spoon of Robin Blue powder has been added. The floor tiles will be clean and shine like new.
22. TO SHARPEN scissors, nail cutters, blades etc. Cut sand paper with them.
23. TO REMOVE HAIR dye stains from garments, dip the stained portion in water. Remove from water and apply a little warm glycerine. Rub it with a brush and wash well. The stain will disappear.
24. MASH A FEW mint leaves, neem leaves and a banana. Apply the paste all over the face and neck, avoiding the eyes. Wash off when dry. This face pack removes scars, freckless and minor skin blemishes.
25. DIP COTTON WOOL in olive oil and rub your pearl jewellery with it. The pearls will regain their brightness.
Oh!dear today only tips. But these tips will definately work for you. These tips are mind blowing. You will love these 4 liners. These are the tips, you need for a quick solutions.
2. FOR A SORE THROAT Powder peppercorns and basil leaves and dry them in the shade. Use this powder to make black tea.
3. WANT TO GET RID of toothache? Take one teaspoon ginger juice, a little edible camphor, a little honey and a pinch of salt. Heat the mixture for a second and apply it on the aching tooth.You get relief immediately.
4. TO TEST THE PURITY of honey, pour a few drops of honey on blotting paper. If honey gets absorbed, It is adulterated, otherwise it is pure.
5. THE COCONUT OIL will not solidify, especially during winter. If you add a few drops of castor oil to it and shake well.
6. LESS OIL WILL be consumed while deep frying, if you add half a teaspoon of salt to the oil.
7. DON'T THROW AWAY lemon rinds, orange peels and pomegranate skin. Just dry them in the sun and grind to a fine powder. Mix this powder in coconut oil and apply to your hair to prevent hair loss and also to get shining hair.
8. ROAST CARDAMOM till the skin becomes crisp and slightly brown.When cool, grind to a fine powder. This powder is ready for use as and when required. Cardamom skin acts as a preservative, so the powder remains fresh for a year.
9. GRATE POTATOES straight into cold water to prevent them from darkening.
10. POUR HOT VINEGAR over soft vegetables to prepare crunchy pickles.
11. IMPROVE THE flavour of boiled cabbage by adding ginger.
12. TO SET CURD quickly in winter, pour warm milk into a casserole and mix in one teaspoon curd. Close the casserole. You will get nicely set curd in less than two hours.
13. GET MINT, coriander and fenugreek flavour round the year. Buy the herbs while in season. Clean well. Dry in shade and powder. Store in an airtight container in the fridge. Add the powder to get the desired flavour in food when fresh leaves are not available.
14. FENUGREEK SEEDS ground in milk and applied on the face everyday give a glowing complexion.
15. MIX HONEY WITH turmeric powder and apply the paste on burns.The burns will heal quickly.
16. TO GET RELIEF from an earache due to cold, take half a flake of slightly crushed garlic, wrap it firmly in a little cotton wool and place in the outer ear. The pain will be gone after sometime.
17. GET RID OF pimples real fast by applying garlic juice over them.
18. WHILE GRINDING Idli or dosa batter, add some fenugreek seeds along with the black gram lentil. Your idlis and dosas will come out softer and tastier.
19. WHEN IN A HURRY for tamarind pulp, take the required amount of tamarind, pour hot water over it and cover tightly. The pulp will be ready in two minutes.
20. THE JAR OF YOUR mixi leaks while making wet pastes,dry grind the ingredients to a powder instead. Remove and gradually mix in hot water to obtain a smooth paste.
21. DON'T THROW away the water in which rice has been cooked. Add salt to paste, pour into flat plates and dry in the sun.When dry, you get rice papads(papadum). Deep fry the papadum in hot oil. Sprinkle masala (mixture of ground spices) over them before serving.
22. HAVE YOU HEARD of dosas being prepared without black gram lentil(urad dal)? Grind a few fenugreek seeds and the bottom portion of lady fingers(which are usually discarded) along with the rice and make dosas the usual way. They will turn out very crisp.
23. FOR RELIEF FROM COUGH, wrap a flake or two of garlic (with the skin on) in a clean soft cloth. Cover the garlic and fold the cloth three times. Pound the garlic till the juice comes out. Then tie the cloth around your neck just before going to bed.
24. IN ORDER TO PREVENT the odour of burnt rice, sprinkle a handful of salt on the floor and place the burnt rice pot on the sprinkled salt till it is time for lunch or dinner. The burnt smell will be gone by then.
25. TO GET RELIEF from common cold, put some roasted grams in a muslin cloth, tie it and heat lightly on a pan. Keep the tied grams near your nose and inhale deeply. Repeat it.
26. EQUAL QUANTITY of fenugreek seeds and cumin seeds soaked in water overnight, ground to a paste in milk and applied to the scalp before washing removes dandruff and ensure thick hair.
27. IF YOU ARE lean and want to gain weight, eat a handful of roasted gram and drink a glass of hot water daily in the morning. It will work wonders.
28. TO PREPARE CAKE in a hurry, just mix all the ingredients together with a tablespoon of lemon juice and bake. Lemon juice serves as a substitute for beating the ingredients and thus saves a lot of time.
29. A FINELY CHOPPED ONION with a tablespoon of sugar and a small piece of ginger when mixed in a bowl and left overnight will form a syrup the next morning. This syrup can be used as a very effective cough mixture for children.
30. AFTER SQUEEZING out lemon juice,rub the lemon peels on to your palms and toes. The lemon has a bleaching effect.
31. WHEN TOMATOES TURN soft, soak them overnight in a bowl of water to which a little salt is added. They will become firm the next morning.
32. YELLOWISH STAINS on the teeth will disappear if lemon juice mixed with salt is used as a paste to brush the teeth.
33. IF THE RICE overcooked, don't panic. Just add some cold water and ghee to it and let it stand for a few minutes. Then strain and spread it on a big plate. As it cools and dries, the grains will separate.
34. APPLY A PASTE of ground, roasted almonds mixed with honey on mouth ulcers. They will disappear quickly.
35. BEFORE BREAKING A coconut, hit it all over with a hammer. The coconut will come out clean and easily from the shell.
36. TO GET INSTANT relief from a toothache, apply toothpaste on the affected tooth. The pain will subside in a few seconds.
37. WHILE APPLYING HEENA(mehendi) on the palm, use a disposable syringe. It will make the application much easier and less messy.
38. EAT A CARDAMOM or two especially during long journeys, to avoid feeling thirsty.
39. RUB ICE COLD orange juice on dry skin in circular motions. It gives you a glowing complexion.
40. IF YOU ARE stung by mosquitoes, bees or ants,application of toothpaste can relieve the pain and itchiness. It reduces the swelling too.
41. FOR A QUICK and effective face scrub, mix a little wheat flour with semolina and tomato juice, and scrub your face with this paste. Apply it to your face, leave for a few minutes and then wash off.
2. TO SHINE your silverware to a glitter, make a paste of gramflour and the juice of half a lemon. Apply it generously to the silverware. Wash off with water after a few minutes.
3. TO REMOVE scratch marks from furniture, make a paste of cigarette ash and cooking oil and rub it in well.
4. YOUR JEANS WILL NOT fade if you wash them with half a bucket of water to which four tablespoons vinegar has been added.
5. REMOVE BALL POINT pen marks from clothes instantly with nail polish remover.
6. YOUR TOOTHBRUSH will be bacteria free of you soak it in hot salt water once in a week.
7. SOILED SHIRT COLLARS will be shining white if you soak them in cold water for a while and apply sugar on the area before washing as usual.
8. KEEP TERMITES AWAY from your cupboard by fitting a 40 or 60 watt bulb inside the damp cupboard and leaving it on through the night every day for 15 days.
9. GIVE YOUR FADED black clothes that new look by soaking them in a solution of one teaspoon shikakai powder and one teaspoon reetha powder for atleast two hours.
10. IF YOUR BALL POINT pen refill does not work,just place it in warm water overnight. The next morning, you will see the refill recharged and working.
11. WHEN YOUR SHOE POLISH gets dry, add a few drops of kerosene to it. This will give the shoes an additional shine.
12. RIPE BANANA PEELS are good fertiliser for plants especially roses or potted plants. Chop two peels and plant them into the soil,10 cm away from the stem. Repeat every week.
13. TO GET RID OF oil or burn stains on vessels, add a little rangoli powder to the cleaning powder before scrubbing the vessel.
14. IF YOU ARE often constipated, eat more lady finger vegetable.
15. WHILE CLEANING copper and brass utensils, add two to three tsp.of citruc acid powder to the cleaning powder. The utensils will shine like new.
16. ADD HALF A TSP of salt to your hot bath water to relieve fatigue and bodyache.
17. ADD A TSP OF SALT to two tsp. turmeric powder and boil with a little water to obtain a thick paste. Apply while still hot over sprains.
18. TO REMOISTEN SHOE polish cake which has dried out, place the sealed tin in a shallow bath of boiling water for a few minutes, then mix a little turpentine into the polish.
19. THE ODOUR FROM the toilet can be eliminated instantly, if you light a match stick in the toilet.
20. EATING A LEAF or two of basil(tulsi) takes care of many disorders and works wonders during malaria.
21. WASH FLOOR TILES with a bucket full of water to which one spoon of Robin Blue powder has been added. The floor tiles will be clean and shine like new.
22. TO SHARPEN scissors, nail cutters, blades etc. Cut sand paper with them.
23. TO REMOVE HAIR dye stains from garments, dip the stained portion in water. Remove from water and apply a little warm glycerine. Rub it with a brush and wash well. The stain will disappear.
24. MASH A FEW mint leaves, neem leaves and a banana. Apply the paste all over the face and neck, avoiding the eyes. Wash off when dry. This face pack removes scars, freckless and minor skin blemishes.
25. DIP COTTON WOOL in olive oil and rub your pearl jewellery with it. The pearls will regain their brightness.
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